Vision & Values

Respect, Aspire, Achieve - Be the best that you can!

Our visions and values are at the core of everything we do. Our aim is to provide the children with the skills, knowledge, support and experiences to ‘feel happy, be healthy and gain the foundations to lead a successful life’

Headteacher's Welcome

All decisions made are based on the benefit to the child. Our aim is to provide all children with the opportunity to embrace new challenges in an atmosphere of supportive encouragement. Our goal is for every child to be the best they can be.

This website is updated weekly and should provide you with everything you need to know, but why not come and see for yourself? I would be delighted to meet you and to give you the opportunity to see our school in action first hand. I am confident that you will enjoy the experience.

Mr Peter Speck
Head Teacher


On the 9th and 10th March, we had our full section 5 Ofsted inspection. We were thrilled with the overall result and are very proud of our school, our children who shone and the local community who have shown us an unwavering amount of support. Please click the link below for the full report. 

The findings of this inspection were judged sufficiently positive to ensure we maintain our grading of 'Outstanding'. which we are naturally delighted about.