Fulwell Junior School Careers and Aspirations Programme

Careers lead: Mrs Nicola Dryden

Did you know …

  • Children begin to form aspirations at the age of 3-4.
  • Children already begin to discount options available to them by the age of 6.

This means that, by the time children come to us in Year 3, they may have already begun to rule out career options available to them! We see it as our role to restore any aspirations they may have, and expose them to the vast career options that are out there.

At Fulwell Junior School, we believe that our children all have the potential to flourish, and we want to do all we can to help them to become whatever they aspire to be in life. We aim to provide our children with a breadth of experiences in the world of work, routes into work and employability skills that will help them to go on to succeed.

As part of our careers education programme, we:

  • Provide links to careers wherever possible, so that children can see that everything we do in school can lead to a job in the future;
  • Provide a range of opportunities and experiences for our children to explore a vast range of career options;
  • Deliver a money management programme to enable children to be in control of their finances in the future;
  • Tailor opportunities and experiences to children’s own ambitions and the local Labour Market Information;
  • Track the aspirations of our children so that we can ensure they are equipped to make informed decisions in the future;
  • Provide opportunities for children to explore a range of pathways into the world of work;
  • Deliver teaching around communication, critical thinking and collaboration to enable children to be successful in the world of work in the future.

Useful links:

https://www.northeastambition.co.uk/resources Careers resources tailored towards North East schools.

https://nationalcareers.service.gov.uk/ Government website containing careers information, advice and guidance.

https://www.apprenticeships.gov.uk/ Information about taking an apprenticeship route into employment.

https://www.careersandenterprise.co.uk/schools/primary/ Information about how primary schools are raising aspirations.

 https://www.tomorrowsengineers.org.uk/ Information and guidance to develop aspirations in engineering.

https://www.subseauk.com/6758/learning-resources Information about careers in the subsea industry.

https://www.healthcareers.nhs.uk/ A wealth of information and resources aimed to develop aspirations of working in the NHS.

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Careers and Aspirations 2022-2023

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Updated: 24/09/2023 545 KB
Updated: 17/10/2022 864 KB