Fulwell Junior School are committed to making sure all of our children get the financial education they need to succeed. We are thrilled to announce that we are one of only 40 schools in the UK who are going to be working with RedSTART, a charity for primary school children which offers free financial education through fun and interactive workshops.

The exciting part of this partnership is that the Change the Game Programme will provide King’s College London with evidence the government needs to introduce high quality financial education for every child in the UK. We are excited to be a part of such important national research.

Optional opt-out

Children in Year 3 will be taking part in an initial baseline survey before Christmas in order to help us to evaluate the impact of the Change The Game programme. You can opt out of having your child’s data shared with King’s College London. If you do opt out, your child will still receive financial education; it just means that their data will not contribute to the research.

Please watch this video for more information about the option to opt out, and see the opt our forms below.




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