School Meals

We work in partnership with the Sunderland School Meals Consortium and have a designated kitchen building where all meals are cooked. Children enjoy their meal in the dining hall, which is situated across the main yard near the Sea Road entrance of the school. The Consortium provide a wide range of healthy choices, and there is always fresh fruit available to supplement the daily meal. The meals are produced on a three week cycle, and the weekly menu is available for parents to look at online at

Food is nutritious, balanced, and caters for all dietary needs; there are daily vegetarian options and menus can be modified for diabetic/coeliac children or where other food intolerances  have  been  identified. Contact the School Office in the first instance for further advice in this area.

The menu standards have been recognised by the Soil Association of the United Kingdom, giving quality assurance that the food we serve has been produced ethically, sustainably and meets the highest quality marks. The kitchen also has a Public Health food hygiene rating of five stars.

Please click the link below to look at the school menu 2024 - 2025

School Menu

Updated: 06/09/2024 1.37 MB

Paying for School Meals

We no longer accept cash or cheque payments for school based fees and therefore ask parents who pay for school meals to do so by debit card online through the City of Sunderland website at .

This is the most secure method and ensures there is a clear audit trail for all transactions.

EVOLVE SERVICE: When we finally move to the Evolve meal service, parents will be able to pay for meals directly through an app/on-line portal which gives far more control to you regarding credit balances etc.

We currently insist meals are paid for in advance, or on the Monday of any week. You may ‘pre-pay’ for the
term or half term if you prefer.

Arrears are NOT permitted. If dinner money is not received in a timely manner, parents will be contacted to discuss payment, and if necessary alternative lunch arrangements will be advised i.e bring a packed lunch or have lunch at home. The Fulwell Junior School Meals Policy is available on our website at where full details can be reviewed.

Packed Lunches at Fulwell Juniors

If you do not require a cooked school meal for your child and would prefer them to bring a home-prepared packed lunch to school, please note the following procedures and general information:

Food and Drink in Packed Lunches

Please try to include:

  • at least one portion of fruit and/or vegetables every day
  • a starchy food such as any type of bread, pasta, rice, cous cous, noodles, potatoes or other type of cereal every day
  • dairy food such as milk, cheese, yoghurt, fromage frais or custard,
  • still water, fruit juice, semi-skimmed or skimmed milk, yoghurt, milk drinks or smoothies

We’d prefer if you didn’t include:

  • confectionery such as chocolate bars, chocolate-coated biscuits and sweets. Cakes and biscuits are allowed but please try to encourage your child to eat these only as part of a balanced meal
  • Meat products such as sausage rolls, individual pies, corned meat and sausages/chipolatas  (ideally should be included only occasionally)

Please note - there are children in school with food allergies, the most common of which is intolerance to nuts. We would appreciate it if, in consideration of those children you could avoid putting nuts or nut products in your child’s packed lunch. Even traces of nut oil on a person’s hands can have a severe effect on anyone with an allergy of this nature. To remove the risk, we would request children do not bring nuts of any variety into school. This request also covers nuts and nut products e.g. Nutella chocolate  spread

If you have any concerns or questions regarding allergies we recommend you visit the supporting website :



  • As fridge space is not available, pupils are advised to bring packed lunches in insulated bags with freezer blocks where possible to avoid food going off. Lunch bags will be hung on coat pegs.
  • Drinks should be brought in either a carton with a straw or a securely closed beaker/container. Glass bottles and cans are not allowed for safety reasons.
  • Your child should be aware they are responsible for tidying up and replacing any uneaten food or rubbish in their school bag.
  • Under no circumstances will your child be allowed to eat their packed lunch at any other time of the day.


Eligibility to Free School Meals

Universal Free School Meals entitlement ends at Year 2, but some families will also be eligible to receive free school meals whilst their child is at Junior School. There are certain criteria which must be met before entitlement is granted, such as receiving qualifying benefits. Parents may apply for free school meals online at Alternatively application forms are available from Children’s Services, Education Awards Section at the Civic Centre (Telephone 0191 5611417) or from the School Office. If you are eligible but would prefer your child not to have a school meal, we would urge you to complete the application. Schools receive funding based on the numbers of Free School Meal places, which directly impacts on the service we can deliver.

Conduct and Behaviour at Lunchtime

It is important that the children conduct themselves in a responsible way during the lunch break. The Supervisory Staff are important members of the school team, and should be addressed with respect at all times.

Pupils who go home for lunch
Most children stay at school over the lunch break, but it is possible you may prefer your child to come home for lunch. As part of our ongoing review of security and safeguarding procedures, we would request that if your child comes home for lunch you provide the School Office details of who will collect them, or if they will be walking home unaccompanied.


Our school has a role in society in providing a health promoting environment. This involves both delivering related education and the provision of healthy food and drink choices. We are increasingly aware of the need to respond to the national concerns over obesity, and the need to promote healthy choices with regard to both exercise and food/drink. We recognise that children who eat well and drink water regularly are more able to learn and concentrate class. This has a massive impact on their success at school.
As a school we are educators. We cannot make children act in certain ways, but we can and should:

  • actively educate pupils to understand food groups and balanced diet
  • provide a positive environment for health
  • promote the advantages of making healthy lifestyle choices
  • promote self-esteem and self worth.

Food issues are taught in school through cross curricular work (including DT and Science), and time-tabled within PSHE lessons. Where it is considered relevant, healthy issues are reinforced during project work and supporting initiatives e.g. productions; visitors, partner agencies etc.



It is essential everyone drinks plenty of water. Children are encouraged to bring non-flavoured, non- sparkling water in a labelled unbreakable bottle with sports top. We request that parents take this home to be washed and refilled as we have no facilities for cleaning bottles at school. There are however taps in the majority of the classrooms with drinking water freely available for topping up the bottles.




  • Please ensure you do not send sweets into school in packed lunches or for break times.
  • Fruit and healthy snacks (e.g cereal bars) are suitable for break time.
  • Support the policy regarding not sending in sweets, cakes or treats to school for occasions such as birthdays.
  • Encourage your child to bring a water bottle to school daily —and drink it.