Parents & Carers,

I hope this letter finds you and your families well.

First of all, thank you to those of you who have taken the time to let us know how the first few weeks of ‘Lockdown Learning has been for your child. Whilst we’re pleased the vast majority of feedback has been very positive, we accept that there is always room for improvement and always welcome constructive comments and suggestions.

To address the common queries, we have compiled an extensive FAQ document (see the webiste link below) which I hope you find useful. We have also included a summary of the main changes we have put into place as result of your feedback, which should further improve the quality of the remote learning offer.

If you have queries about any aspect of our provision, either school-based or remote, please feel free to contact school in the first instance to arrange a discussion with myself.

I look forward to working with you as we move through 2021 and hope it won’t be too long before we can welcome all children back to Fulwell Junior School.

Warm Regards,

Peter Speck
Head Teacher

Please click the link below to download the copy of the Remote Learning Plan Update - there is a lot of information so please familiarise yourself with the content so all parents and children are clear about the plans from Monday 18th January:-


Updated: 02/07/2021 437 KB