Can we clarify the current process for the completion of work for children on a Friday afternoon. Obviously the early Friday finish is not ideal and we hope next week will be the final week of this arrangement, but children are expected to complete the Faculty Friday or Enrichment topic work set, so to that end it is a compulsory part of their weekly learning.

We apologise if the process for submitting the work back to the school has not been made clear, but we would reiterate the channels for children to do this, and this would always be made clear on the actual PowerPoint document too:

  • By email to the Fulwell Junior School inbox:-
  • By email to Mrs Anderson or Miss Donoghue
  • By upload to the 'Look What I've Done' folder within the Files link on Teams

Teachers should then have a debrief on Monday morning with their class regarding the work completed/submitted and provide feedback.

You will find this Friday's work on the 'Homework & Home Learning Support' link on the CHILDREN page of the website so pop over there for todays topic, all linked to Comic Relief.