We have had an amazing response to after school clubs over the last week. 

Letters have already been issued for year 6 swimming and Relax Kids.

Children will be bring home a club letter tonight if they have been allocated a place for Yoga, Gymnastics, Skiing or Year 5 football skills.  These letters will include what your child may need to wear if this is appropriate e.g. For skiing children need a coat, long sleeved top etc.

Your letter also indicates where you will collect your children at the end of the day. 

Some clubs had lots of interest and we unfortunately can not offer a place to all children in this first round.  If your child has not been allocated a place at an after school club don't worry as we will be offering more clubs/places as the year continues.  

The choir, netball and football (Year 6) will not start this week, letters will follow shortly.