Welcome Back!

We hope you all had a fantastic summer and are looking forward to the new school year ahead! 

To really kickstart our year in the best way possible, this week each year has a trip linked with our whole school project 'Wheels in Motion'.

Please see the information below. 

Y3 Trip – Washington F Pit Trip Thurs 8th AM & Friday 9th AM. (Text messages have been sent to detail when your child will be visiting). Packed lunch will be required.

Y4 Trip – Ryhope Engines Museum on Wednesday 7th Sept. Class 4 & 6 will be back in time for lunch as normal. Class 5 will need a packed lunch.  

Y5 Trip - Ryhope Engines Museum on Thursday 8th September. Class 7 & 9 will be back in time for lunch as normal. Class 8 will need a packed lunch. 

Y6 Trip – Woodhorn Colliery Museum. Class 10 will visit on Wed 7th. Class 11 will visit on Thurs 8th. Class 12 will visit on Fri 9th. All classes will need a packed lunch as this is a full day trip. Children will be back for normal home time (3:10pm). 

We are asking for a voluntary contribution in order to help towards the cost of these visits, this can be made via the school council website. We are suggesting £3 per child in Y3, Y4 & Y5 and £8.50 per child for those in Y6 (given that this is a full day trip with workshop & increased travel costs due to its location). 

All trips take place during normal school hours. All children may wish to bring a healthy snack and water bottle. They should also have a suitable waterproof coat. 

We will be taking photos for our website & social media during these visits. If you do not wish for your child to be photographed, please let the office know.