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Description automatically generatedWhat an incredible day we had at ‘Bring it On’ yesterday! 15 of our Y6 children headed over to the Beacon of Light for a day of all things engineering and we were not disappointed.

Arriving at the Beacon we first entered into the Automotive, Rail and Engineering Zone. We met a variety of businesses from across the North-East including Nissan, Unipres and Marelli. The children loved the hands-on STEM activities including fixing parts, using tools and even using VR to practice our welding skills, “I loved trying the welding. It was really interesting and I was really good at it!” Tom stated.

Amelia & Olivia worked together to fit all tools in the fastest time, “We managed to put all the tools in the right place quicker than anybody else!”

After we headed to the Civil, Structural and Construction Zone. We learnt about many developments that Robert McAlpine are currently completing here in the North-East and explored some of the 3D plans. It was fascinating seeing how the original plans come to life. Then we were set a challenge where we competed to build the best structure. Take a look at the photos and decide which structure you think is the best!

During the afternoon, we explored another three areas of engineering: Chemical, Sustainable and Digital. Some of us even got the chance to operate real machinery. Lula couldn’t believe her luck, “I can’t believe I got to drive and operate an actual digger!” We also tested out our teamwork skills with another building challenge. Our tower was definitely the best – strong & sturdy!

Choosing our favourite part of the day was almost impossible. It was such an incredible experience to be able to meet so many engineers from so many different sectors & backgrounds. Learning about careers that we didn’t even know existed and seeing how they are available right on our doorstep was truly inspiring. I think Dylan & Tom both summed the day up when they said, “I loved everything!” and “This was the best trip ever!”