A group of Year 6s have organised their first fundraising event for their trip to Loch Eil in Summer 2023. Mr English, our business manager, has kindly donated a brand new, giant cuddly teddy which will be used as a prize for the winning entry in our 200 square grid competition. The cost of one square will be £1. This competition will run from Monday the 5th of December to Thursday the 8th. Year 6 pupils will be visiting classes after break time each day to allow children the chance to enter.  Please note, all funds raised for this event will be put towards the Year 6 Loch Eil trip. children are invited to bring in £1 (in cash) and choose a number of their choice on the grid. A wining number will then be selected at random on the afternoon of Thursday the 8th. Children have been told today about the competition- take a look at a picture of our winning prize below!


Good Luck!