World Book Day Thursday 2nd March

As always, we will be joining the rest of the country to celebrate World Book Day to help us to promote a love of reading for pleasure amongst our pupils. Children are welcome to come to school dressed as their favourite character; however, we want to make sure no child is left out of World Book Day. We understand that families may be under significant financial and time pressures, so there is absolutely no expectation to dress up. 


Children will take part in a fun classroom based activity in which they will make a ‘Top Hat’ inspired by their favourite character and will take part in a ‘Hat Parade’ to show off their creations. Many children may decide that this will, in fact, be their ‘costume’ for the day.


To help children to be well prepared for this activity and to encourage discussion about reading at home, we would love you to talk to your child about their favourite books and characters at home.  These questions can be used to prompt discussion:

    • What is your favourite book and why? / Can you think of a book you’ve really enjoyed recently?
    • Who is your favourite book character and why?
    • Who is the funniest/most evil/most unique book character you’ve come across?
    • Do you dislike any book characters? Why?
    • If you could be any book character, who would you be and why?


Children will provided with all they need to make their hat but are also invited to bring in anything that they wish to add to their hat design from home, e.g. fabric scraps, printed pictures, small items to stick on.  A hat design sheet is attached which they may enjoy completing with you at home as part of their discussion about books.



Please see overleaf for information about our Book Fair…











Scholastic Book Fair- Monday 6th March


We are keen to increase our supply of non-fiction books in our class libraries to improve the range of choices available to the children for their ‘Reading for Pleasure’ time in school.  Your support with our Book Fair each year is hugely appreciated as the commission we receive comes in the form of free books for school!


The way that the Book Fair runs in school has changed over the years so please see below for guidance on how books can be purchased.



Our Book Fair books will be displayed in school for children to browse and purchase on Monday 6th March.  We receive 2 copies of each book in school.  These will be available for the children to browse.  Once all classes have had a chance to see the books then children can purchase these copies using cash in school that day.  Children should bring any cash in a named labelled envelope, which will be given to their teacher, to avoid any losses. 


Once these copies are sold children will then need to write the name of the book they wish to order on a ‘Wishlist’ which will be provided at the Book fair and they will bring home.  You then have two payment options:


  1. Send the Wishlist back to school with the cash for the book- we will then order it in school.


  1. Use the online link on the Wishlist to pay for the book online. Please be aware that this is a payment platform only.  Your book is not ordered until you send the form back to school, confirming which books your have paid for.  Only then will these book be ordered from the Book Fair.


All payments, both cash and online must be made in full by Thursday 9th March as the book fair will be collected and all orders must be place by Friday 10th March.