Fulwell Red-Carpet event.

On Monday 22nd Jan, we celebrated the premiere of our film ‘Macbeth – The Fulwell Witches’ trial’ with a special viewing and Oscars’ style award ceremony at Sunderland University.

The event was the final part of our Shakespeare Schools Film Festival project which began in September 2023 with a group of talented and enthusiastic Year 6 pupils participating in auditions, rehearsals, film shoots etc. all leading to the production of a short film telling our own twist on the story of Macbeth.

The red-carpet event was attended by the Mayor, the Director of Education and the Deputy Vice Chancellor of the University who opened proceedings at the Sir Tom Cowie Suite, alongside a host of other special guests and family and friends.

The children loved seeing their film presented on a big screen and positively relished their red-carpet photo shoot with the University’s professional photographer.

Please see the link below to read the full story reported in the Sunderland Echo.

