It is World Book Day on Thursday 4th March and we are running a competition for children to design a book cover for one of their favourite books! Check out the instructions below:

  1. Recreate the cover of your favourite book - stuck for inspiration? Check out the PDF here for some fun examples!
  2. Take a photo of yourself recreating your new book cover! The more imaginative, the better!
  3. e-mail your photo to Miss Donoghue ( who will then forward them on to individual class teachers for judging.
  4. Please make sure you provide your full name and the name of your class teacher on your entry!
  5. We will then choose ONE winner per Year Group and the winners will receive a book as their prize!
  6. Deadline for entries is FRIDAY 5th March; Mrs Dryden will then announce winners when we return to school on Monday 8th March!

We have some other lovely events and topics planned next week for World Book Day but hope lots of children enjoy getting involved in this competition! We can't wait to see some of your entries! Good luck everyone! :-)