Spring is certainly in the air and with it - we hope! - some positive steps towards getting back to what we used to consider 'normal' school. To inform parents of our plans for the re-opening for ALL pupils from Monday 8th March, please read the following statement from Mr Speck. Check out the information further down the page about our World Book Day competition too!

25th February 2021

Dear Parents,                 

Following the Government announcement earlier this week, we’re delighted to confirm that our school will be opening up to all pupils as from Monday 8th March 2021.

It’s our full intention to resume as normal a curriculum as possible, whilst being mindful of the need to adapt our provision to contain any potential outbreaks of infection. For this reason, please note the key points outlined in the document below.

This information is not significantly different to the major update we circulated to parents on 17th December, at which stage we were preparing for the return of all children on 5th January. Obviously we did not get an opportunity to put those plans in place, but the preparations and decisions we have made have been done so to try and mitigate against the significant impact whole year group or school closures have.

As always, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to get in touch.

Meanwhile, I know you’ll do your best to continue to support your child with their home learning and we very much look forward to welcoming all children back to school in a few weeks time.

Warm Regards,

Mr Speck

Implications for Full School Reopening 8th March 2021


In order to maintain bubbles and social distancing we will be continuing with our staggered starts and finishes until at least the Easter break.  Please note the following times.

Year Group Start Time Finish Time
Year 3 8.30am 3.00pm
Year 4 8.40am 3.10pm
Year 5 8.50am 3.20pm
Year 6 9.00am 3.30pm


Access in and out of the grounds and congestion at drop off/pick up:

As originally planned for January, we have taken steps to further reduce congestion and improve the flow of people to best support social distancing on Chapman Street at key times of the school day (drop offs/pick-ups).  Can we please remind you of the following:

  • Only arrive at your allocated gate for the official registration time, not before, and please do not be late.
  • Wherever possible, stand away from the gate to give children the opportunity to enter without having to push past adults standing directly in the route. I suggest the far side of the street.
  • When arriving in Chapman Street, please try to follow the simplest route.

    We suggest the following:
  • If your child enters/leaves via Gate 1 (Bottom of Chapman Street) (classes 1,6,7 & 12) please line up between your gate and the Community Centre. Please leave Chapman Street down the cut to Dorking Road.
  • If your child enters/leaves via Gate 2 (Main Reception) (classes 2,5,8 & 11) please line up between Gates 1 and 3. Please remain in your area for the minimum time necessary and leave Chapman Street down the cut to Dorking Road
  • If your child enters/leaves via Gate 3 (Top of Chapman Street) (classes 3,4,9 & 10) please line up between your gate and the top of Chapman Street (Royal Marine end). Please remain in your area for the minimum time necessary and leave Chapman Street past the Royal Marine

    Four key messages to help us to keep bubbles intact:

1. When waiting on the street for handover, please do so in the identified zone so as to not encroach on other gate zones.
2. Please leave the street immediately once your child passes through the gate
3. At the end of the day, please make sure only ONE adult enters the grounds for pick up. On collecting your child, leave the grounds immediately.  Please keep younger children  with you at all times and don’t allow them to run around in the yard when waiting.
4. If your child is in Year 6, consider arranging a meeting place set back from the school grounds. It is far easier to dismiss children without the need for adult collection if we know they have an arrangement to meet you at a designated spot. For example, many parents arrange to meet their child at local shops rather than having to come into Chapman Street. If you are considering this, please e-mail Mrs Anderson before we return to school on 8th March and advise what your collection plan is going to be.


Friday afternoon PPA

As laid out in our original plans for January this unfortunately remains an area we are unable to change at this time.  This is to enable PPA time for teachers whilst upholding the Government and H&S recommendation of limiting staff movement between Year groups. ALL children will finish school after lunch and will be off-site by 1.30pm. As with our current arrangements for a Friday children will be set compulsory enrichment tasks via Teams (which will be introduced in school). I fully understand that this may cause difficulties for some of you, but hope you understand there is no other way for us to manage this. This will come into force on Friday 12th March and will be reviewed at Easter.

Friday Afternoon Collection Times

Supporting information

Year 3


Where you have a child in more than one year group, the younger sibling will remain on site with a staff member until the older sibling’s finish time. Children will then be dismissed via the OLDER child’s access gate.

Year 4



Year 5



Year 6



Lunchtime Arrangements

Being able to offer children the full meal service remains a challenge given the complexities of timetabling, the size and safe capacity of the dining hall and the movement of class bubbles. We have reassessed the original plans from January and have adapted the provision as follows:

There will be NO capacity now for a mixed meal pattern across the week; for example, children who may currently bring a packed lunch two days per week and hot dinners the other three will have to commit to one or the other for the full five days.

We must insist children remain on their chosen meal pattern for the full half term period as switching between the two options creates logistical difficulties when trying to keep bubbles intact and account for the whereabouts of every child.

Packed lunch children will have their lunch in the main school hall as we have made some positive adjustments to create safe dining zones for individual classes.

If you intend to change your child’s regular meal pattern, can you please ensure you let Miss Donoghue know as soon as possible, and certainly before we return on 8th March. You can contact her direct at : claire.donoghue@schools.sunderland.gov.uk

In all instances, children will eat with their own class members, and tables in both the dining hall and main school hall will be set up to ensure safe social distancing between each class.

The menu will be modified for a short period in line with this change, so please ensure you are happy with the offer. We will provide the first main meal choice per day, but there will be no sandwich grab bag option and the alternative to the main meal will be a jacket potato with a choice of topping plus dessert. Each day there will be two options. We will run with this model until Easter and review it again then. I am hoping the vast majority of parents will continue to access the service, even on a paired down basis, and of course children with food intolerances and dietary requirements will still be fully catered for.


All children will be expected to wear full school uniform from the 8th March. If you anticipate a problem with this please contact school in advance. PE kit is to be worn on the allocated day as follows:-

Year 6: Monday

Year 3: Tuesday

Year 4: Wednesday

Year 5: Thursday


Children continue to be strongly discouraged from bringing in equipment from home. They only require their water bottle, packed lunch (if applicable) and coat. Can we please ask parents to provide packed lunches in bags proportionate to the lunch being carried – some children continue to bring big rucksacks and the like when there is really no need.

Assessment & Homework

Once children have settled back into our normal routines we will be conducting assessments in English and Maths which will be crucial in determining pupils starting points and gaps in their knowledge in order to inform our planning, support and next steps in learning. Homework activities for all year groups will be temporarily suspended and will resume in the Summer Term.

Parental Consultations

We are planning to arrange these in the second half of the summer Term. As always if you have any concerns or queries about your child’s learning please do not hesitate to contact the class teacher

Other Points of Note:

  • Do NOT send your child to school if you are even slightly concerned they may be unwell; a child who complains of feeling unwell when at school WILL be sent home;
  • Don’t forget to advise us of any changes to end of day arrangements by contacting Mrs Anderson directly