All children had the wonderful experience of a Bird of Prey display today here are some of the children's thoughts.

Year 3 

I was so surprised at how big the birds were.  Noah

I liked the Falcon and the Sparrow Hawk. We read some more about them in class, I didn't realise they would be so fast.  Liv

Year 4

I thought wow this is going to be like the Sunderland Air Show, but is was even better. Will

I loved the Barn Owl it was so small. Sophie

The sound was amazing, they were squeaking.  It felt very high pitched, everyone was watching amazed.  Emma


Year 5

Fact finding was fun but seeing the birds, that was amazing.  Lula

I had a go at holding on, it wasn’t too heavy, and Chris helped me.  We had to be so quite and still.  Grace.

Year 6

Chris was amazing.  He showed us the birds whilst telling us cool facts.  My favourite was the smallest bird because it constantly tweets.