Welcome back and we hope everyone has had a lovely summer.  With the start of this new academic year we are looking forward to introducing some exciting extra curricular opportunities for your children to participate in. The majority of these will take place after school. 

Some clubs will run for an identified time e.g. 6 weeks, whilst others will run throughout the whole year e.g. Choir.  We aim to offer the children in our school as many opportunities as possible. 

Throughout the year our after school clubs will cover a variety of sporting, art & design, music/performance alongside academic opportunities for children to experience. We vary our clubs as much as possible and offer clubs to all Year Groups.

Examples of after school clubs for the current school half term include:
Gymnastics, Yoga, Swimming, Skiing, choir and netball.

We often collaborate with professionals such as The Royal Shakespeare Company, Sunderland Keep Active and Sunderland Beacon of Light to give a wider wealth of professional experience to the children here at school.

Some clubs will be open to pupils across the whole school e.g. Shakespeare Festival, whilst others may be limited to a specific year group or by invitation.  The vast majority of clubs will take place on the school premises and wherever possible costs will be covered by the school.  Where clubs take place off site, we may require parental support to transport your own child to and from the club venue, this will be communicated when expressions of interest for the club are issued.

Letters will be coming home with children tonight (9.9.21) and can be viewed in the link below.  If your child wishes to attend please complete the expression of interest form attached for your child’s year group.  In most cases places will be limited.  As clubs are due to start next week (with the exception of football and netball) we require the form to be returned to school by Friday morning (10.9.21) at the latest.

If you do not receive confirmation by Monday 13th of September unfortunately your child has not been allocated a place on this occasion.

Club letters of interest

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