Last week we loved making new discoveries as part of Science Week. We explored the theme of colour and carried out investigations with skittles, chemical reactions and separation of colours using chromatography paper.

Ava (Y3) said, ‘I loved science week! I love doing experiments. My favourite was the colourful reactions because I liked seeing all the colours.’

Milly (Y4) exclaimed, ‘I loved the chromatography because I liked being able to look carefully with the magnifying glass at the separating colours!’

Isaac M (Y5) said, ‘In science week we got to use our predicting skills and our investigating skills when we did the skittles and colour experiments.’ 

Jack (Y6) found the elephant toothpaste experiment fascinating, ‘I loved taking part in it!’ Tia (Y6) said, ‘I love finding out the science behind these chemical reactions.’

As well as all the amazing discoveries and investigations in school, some year groups had trips out too.

Year 5 visited the Life Centre and took part in a ‘Space Survival’ workshop. They discovered how engineers and scientists help astronauts live and work on the International Space Station (ISS). They conducted experiments to identify the best materials for a space suit and for an astronaut’s nappy!

Robbie said, ‘The life centre was fun, every part of it was fun. We got to use robotic arms to fix satellites on the ISS.’

The Year 5’s also visited the planetarium. Harry said, ‘In the planetarium I learned that most of the planets in the universe are made out of rock ice, like one of Jupiter’s Moons.

Year 4 and 5 visited Monkwearmouth Academy and were overjoyed to explore science in the labs. They had a fantastic time using the Bunsen burners and using chemicals to create the colours of the rainbow. Lula (Y5) said, ‘One of my WOW moments from this week was when we used acids and alkalis and the Bunsen burner!’ Brody (Y4) stated, ‘I was nervous at first when the Bunsen burners were out but then I realised it was safe and really enjoyed the experience.’

As well as this 12 lucky Y6’s took part in a ‘Photography Masterclass’ where they went to a photography studio in Washington and learnt the basics of photography. Following this they headed to the Air Museum and put their newly found skills to the test by capturing images of the aircrafts and engines. Sukruth reported, ‘I learnt how to take a photograph professionally using the different settings on a DSLR camera. The different settings helped me to capture an excellent photo, for example through using the rule of thirds to help with the composition of the photograph.’

Some of our children even got involved at home by carrying out extra investigations. The lava lamp seemed to be the favourite!

Here’s some photos of our week and quotes from our FJS Scientists: