The Wonderful World of History


On Monday, Year 3 were fortunate to visit The Great North Museum: Hancock through Newcastle as part of their history learning. This year, we have been learning about prehistoric Britain, focussing on the Stone, Bronze and Iron Age so we had the opportunity to expand our knowledge even further and take our learning outside the classroom.

Throughout our day, we had a workshop with the museum staff and we were able to handle real prehistoric artefacts!! This included; bronze weapons, flint, arrow heads and animal fur. We also were given a discovery box to investigate and had the opportunity to explore the museum itself. We learnt so much but also really showed our incredible historical skills.


Olivia: ‘This is the best school day ever!’

Annabelle: ‘My mind is blown after seeing some of the artefacts.’

James: "My favourite part of the trip was getting to hold a real bronze sword.'

Ava: 'My favourite part was doing the workshop because we got to touch and hold real artefacts.'



Check out some of the amazing photos from our day below: