What a fantastic way to end our final week in school before the Easter holidays! At Fulwell Junior School, we want our children to be exposed a vast range of jobs and careers that are available to them and this week, we have been very fortunate to have some visitors in school telling us what their life is like working for the NHS. We have had radiographers, nurses, doctors and so much more. We have learnt that there are over 1.7 million people that work for the NHS and there are so many avenues to explore if you were to venture down that career path.


"I'd be good at taking NHS calls because I'm a technology whizz and I'm calm." -Liv

"I learned that you can be a chef in a hospital." -Lilimae

"Thank you for coming to visit us. It was excellent!" Isabella about the GP visit.


Lily W: I enjoyed it when Theo’s mam came in and told us about her job because she does lots of things as part of her job.”  (Nurse).


Theo D : “Most of the NHS people told us they did their job because they like to help people and not because of the wages.”


Emma. W: “The best thing I’ve learned is how important the NHS is.  I’ve seen how many people help others they don’t even know.”


Katy E: “I really liked NHS Week because it made me question my future career and I loved seeing how people played their part in the NHS.”

Florence - " I really loved the visit from the Audiologist as it taught me more about my own ears but also helped me to understand my friends ears who wears Cochlear Implants to help her hear."


Lucy - " I enjoyed the visit with the Eye-Doctor as I didn't know it was a job and it helped me to understand a lot more about my own eyes."


Summer - " I didn't know that our ears have sections. I also loved finding out how many amazing jobs there are within the NHS."


Take a look at our photos from this week: