Fulwell Junior School has been working in partnership with the Sunderland Museum and Winter Gardens and Arts Council to establish Fulwell as a creative hub for art and sculpture. Last week, the school saw the delivery of a number of 2D artworks selected by the children from a collection at the Southbank. All pieces are linked by the theme of flight which underpins the school’s ‘Take Flight’ project exploring the links between art and science. The 2D artworks are being displayed in a dedicated ‘Gallery’ space in school with the children working in role as curators and gallery ‘experts’.

The spectacular sculptures that have ‘landed’ in our school playgrounds are part of the same long term loans project established with the Arts Council. The fascinating pieces are by the Turner Prize-Nominated British artist Roger Hiorns – who is based in London. He is known for his use of a wide variety of materials, including metals, wood and plastics and an interest in machine forms. The pieces named ‘Untitled’ (Alliance) consist of two huge Boeing airplane engines originally commissioned by the Art Institute of Chicago and placed on the terrace in the foreground of the Chicago skyline. This is the first time the two pieces have been displayed separately with each one sitting in front of two iconic London and Sunderland skylines in our front and rear playgrounds.

The school has exciting plans to further develop creative opportunities for pupils and the wider community …watch this space!